Source code for EvoMSA.text_repr

# Copyright 2023 Mario Graff Guerrero

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union, List, Set, Callable
from b4msa.textmodel import TextModel
from microtc.weighting import TFIDF
from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import numpy as np
from EvoMSA.utils import load_url
from EvoMSA.utils import load_bow, load_emoji, dataset_information,\
                         load_dataset, load_keyword, b4msa_params, Linear
from EvoMSA.model_selection import KruskalFS

def config_regressor(instance):
    from sklearn.svm import LinearSVR
    from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

    instance.estimator_class = LinearSVR
    instance.estimator_kwargs = dict()
    instance.decision_function_name = 'predict'
    instance.kfold_class = KFold
    return instance

[docs] class BoW(BaseEstimator): """ BoW is a bag-of-words text classifier. It is described in "A Simple Approach to Multilingual Polarity Classification in Twitter. Eric S. Tellez, Sabino Miranda-Jiménez, Mario Graff, Daniela Moctezuma, Ranyart R. Suárez, Oscar S. Siordia. Pattern Recognition Letters" and "An Automated Text Categorization Framework based on Hyperparameter Optimization. Eric S. Tellez, Daniela Moctezuma, Sabino Miranda-Jímenez, Mario Graff. Knowledge-Based Systems Volume 149, 1 June 2018." BoW uses, by default, a pre-trained bag-of-words representation. The representation was trained on 4,194,304 (:math:`2^{22}`) tweets randomly selected. The pre-trained representations are used when the parameters :attr:`lang` and :attr:`pretrain` are set; :attr:`pretrain` by default is set to True, and the default language is Spanish (es). The available languages are: Arabic (ar), Catalan (ca), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hindi (hi), Indonesian (in), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Tagalog (tl), Turkish (tr), and Chinese (zh). :param lang: Language. (ar | ca | de | en | es | fr | hi | in | it | ja | ko | nl | pl | pt | ru | tl | tr | zh), default='es'. :type lang: str :param voc_size_exponent: Vocabulary size. default=17, i.e., :math:`2^{17}` :type voc_size_exponent: int :param voc_selection: Vocabulary (most_common_by_type | most_common). default=most_common_by_type :type voc_selection: str :param key: Key where the text is in the dictionary. (default='text') :type key: Union[str, List[str]] :param label_key: Key where the response is in the dictionary. (default='klass') :type label_key: str :param mixer_func: Function to combine the output in case of multiple texts :type mixer_func: Callable[[List], csr_matrix] :param decision_function_name: Name of the decision function (detaulf='decision_function') :type decision_function_name: str :param estimator_class: Classifier or Regressor :type estimator_class: class :param estimator_kwargs: Keyword parameters for the estimator :type estimator_kwargs: dict :param pretrain: Whether to use a pre-trained representation. default=True. :type pretrain: bool :param b4msa_kwargs: :py:class:`b4msa.textmodel.TextModel` keyword arguments used to train a bag-of-words representation. default=dict(). :type b4msa_kwargs: dict :param kfold_class: Class of the KFold procedure (default=StratifiedKFold) :type kfold_class: class :param kfold_kwargs: Keyword parameters for the KFold class :type kfold_kwargs: dict :param v1: Whether to use version 1 or pretrained representations. default=False :type v1: bool :param n_jobs: Number of jobs. default=1 :type n_jobs: int >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> bow = BoW(lang='es').fit(list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS))) >>> bow.predict(['Buenos dias']).tolist() ['P'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, lang: str='es', voc_size_exponent: int=17, voc_selection: str='most_common_by_type', key: Union[str, List[str]]='text', label_key: str='klass', mixer_func: Callable[[List], csr_matrix]=sum, decision_function_name: str='decision_function', estimator_class=LinearSVC, estimator_kwargs=dict(dual=True), pretrain=True, b4msa_kwargs=dict(), kfold_class=StratifiedKFold, kfold_kwargs: dict=dict(random_state=0, shuffle=True), v1: bool=False, n_jobs: int=1) -> None: assert lang is None or lang in MODEL_LANG if lang in MODEL_LANG: assert voc_size_exponent >= 13 and voc_size_exponent <= 17 assert voc_selection in ['most_common_by_type', 'most_common'] self.voc_size_exponent = voc_size_exponent self.voc_selection = voc_selection self.n_jobs = n_jobs self._lang = lang self.key = key self.label_key = label_key self.mixer_func = mixer_func self.decision_function_name = decision_function_name self.estimator_class = estimator_class self.estimator_kwargs = estimator_kwargs self.b4msa_kwargs = b4msa_kwargs self._pretrain = pretrain self.kfold_class = kfold_class self.kfold_kwargs = kfold_kwargs self._b4msa_estimated = False self.v1 = v1
[docs] def fit(self, D: List[Union[dict, list]], y: Union[np.ndarray, None]=None) -> 'BoW': """Estimate the parameters of the BoW (:py:func:`BoW.b4msa_fit`) and the classifier or regressor (:py:attr:`BoW.estimator_class` - the fitted instance is accesible at :py:attr:`BoW.estimator_instance`) using the dataset (`D`, `y`). :param D: Texts; in the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. :param y: Response variable. The response variable can also be in `D` on the key :py:attr:`BoW.label_key`. :type y: Array or None >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> import numpy as np >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> bow = BoW(lang='es').fit(D) """ if not self.pretrain and not self._b4msa_estimated: self.b4msa_fit(D) y = self.dependent_variable(D, y=y) _ = self.transform(D, y=y) self.estimator_instance = self.estimator_class(**self.estimator_kwargs).fit(_, y) return self
[docs] def transform(self, D: List[Union[List, dict]], y=None) -> csr_matrix: """Represent the texts in `D` in the vector space. :param D: Texts to be transformed. In the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> X = BoW(lang='en').transform(['Hi', 'Good morning']) >>> X = BoW(lang='en').transform([dict(text='Hi'), dict(text='Good morning')]) >>> X.shape (2, 131072) """ assert len(D) if not self.pretrain: assert self._b4msa_estimated if self.pretrain and self.cache is not None: X = self.cache self.cache = None return X if self.key == 'text' or isinstance(D[0], str): return self.bow.transform(D) assert isinstance(D[0], dict) if isinstance(self.key, str): key = self.key return self.bow.transform([x[key] for x in D]) Xs = [self.bow.transform([x[key] for x in D]) for key in self.key] return self.mixer_func(Xs)
[docs] def predict(self, D: List[Union[dict, list]]) -> np.ndarray: """Predict the response variable on the dataset `D`. :param D: Texts; in the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> bow = BoW(lang='es').fit(list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS))) >>> bow.predict(['Buenos dias']).tolist() ['P'] """ _ = self.transform(D) return self.estimator_instance.predict(_)
[docs] def decision_function(self, D: List[Union[dict, list]]) -> Union[list, np.ndarray]: """Decision function of the estimate response variable in `D`. :param D: Texts to be transformed. In the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> bow = BoW(lang='es').fit(list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS))) >>> bow.decision_function(['Buenos dias']) array([[-1.40547754, -1.01340503, -0.57912244, 0.90450322]]) """ _ = self.transform(D) hy = getattr(self.estimator_instance, self.decision_function_name)(_) if hy.ndim == 1: return np.atleast_2d(hy).T return hy
@property def bow(self): """Bag of Word text representation. The following example tokenizes *hi*. The notation is the following, the first 'hi' corresponds to the word *hi*. Then, there come the q-grams of characters, the token 'q:hi' represents the q-gram *hi*. All the q-grams start with the prefix 'q:'. Finally, the character ~ represents a space. >>> bow = BoW(lang='en') >>> bow.bow.tokenize(['hi']) ['hi', 'q:~h', 'q:hi', 'q:i~', 'q:~hi', 'q:hi~', 'q:~hi~'] """ try: bow = self._bow except AttributeError: if self.pretrain: if self.v1: self._bow = load_bow(lang=self.lang, v1=self.v1) else: freq = load_bow(lang=self.lang, d=self.voc_size_exponent, func=self.voc_selection) params = b4msa_params(lang=self.lang, dim=self._voc_size_exponent) params.update(self.b4msa_kwargs) bow = TextModel(**params) tfidf = TFIDF() tfidf.N = freq.update_calls tfidf.word2id, tfidf.wordWeight = tfidf.counter2weight(freq) bow.model = tfidf self._bow = bow else: self._bow = TextModel(lang=self.lang, **self.b4msa_kwargs) bow = self._bow return bow @bow.setter def bow(self, value): self._bow = value @property def names(self): """Vector space components""" _names = [None] * len(self.bow.id2token) for k, v in self.bow.id2token.items(): _names[k] = v return _names @property def weights(self): """Vector space weights""" try: return self._weights except AttributeError: w = [None] * len(self.bow.token_weight) for k, v in self.bow.token_weight.items(): w[k] = v self._weights = w return self._weights @property def estimator_instance(self): """Estimator - Classifier or Regressor fitted (:py:attr:``) on the dataset""" return self._m @estimator_instance.setter def estimator_instance(self, m): self._m = m @property def pretrain(self): """Whether the to use pre-trained text representations The parameters of the BoW text representation are :py:attr:`BoW.lang`, :py:attr:`BoW.voc_selection`, and :py:attr:`BoW.voc_size_exponent`. The aforementioned parameters are not available on Version 1.0 (:py:attr:`BoW.v1`). """ return self._pretrain @property def lang(self): """Language of the pre-trained text representations""" return self._lang @property def voc_selection(self): """Method used to select the vocabulary""" return self._voc_selection @voc_selection.setter def voc_selection(self, value): self._voc_selection = value @property def voc_size_exponent(self): """Vocabulary size :math:`2^v`; where :math:`v` is :py:attr:`voc_size_exponent` """ return self._voc_size_exponent @voc_size_exponent.setter def voc_size_exponent(self, value): self._voc_size_exponent = value @property def v1(self): """Whether to use the Version 1.0 text representations. This version is only available for Arabic (ar), English (en), and Spanish (es). """ return self._v1 @v1.setter def v1(self, value): self._v1 = value
[docs] def b4msa_fit(self, D: List[Union[List, dict]]): """Estimate the parameters of the BoW (:py:class:`BoW.bow`) in case it is not pretrained (:py:attr:`BoW.pretrain`) :param D: Dataset :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> bow = BoW(pretrain=False) >>> bow.b4msa_fit(list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS))) >>> X = bow.transform(['Hola']) >>> X.shape (1, 84802) """ assert len(D) self._b4msa_estimated = True if self.key == 'text' or isinstance(D[0], str): return assert isinstance(D[0], dict) if isinstance(self.key, str): key = self.key return[x[key] for x in D]) _ = [[x[key] for key in self.key] for x in D] return
[docs] def train_predict_decision_function(self, D: List[Union[dict, list]], y: Union[np.ndarray, None]=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Method to compute the kfold predictions on dataset `D` with response `y` :param D: Texts to be transformed. In the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. :param y: Response variable :type y: Array or None For example, the following code computes the accuracy using k-fold cross-validation on the dataset found on `TWEETS` >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> from EvoMSA import BoW >>> import numpy as np >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> bow = BoW(lang='es') >>> df = bow.train_predict_decision_function(D) >>> df.shape (1000, 4) >>> hy = df.argmax(axis=1) >>> y = np.array([x['klass'] for x in D]) >>> labels = np.unique(y) >>> accuracy = (y == labels[hy]).mean() """ def train_predict(tr, vs): m = self.estimator_class(**self.estimator_kwargs).fit(X[tr], y[tr]) return getattr(m, self.decision_function_name)(X[vs]) y = self.dependent_variable(D, y=y) kf = self.kfold_class(**self.kfold_kwargs) kfolds = [x for x in kf.split(D, y)] X = self.transform(D, y=y) hys = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(train_predict)(tr, vs) for tr, vs in kfolds) K = np.unique(y).shape[0] if hys[0].ndim == 1: hy = np.empty((y.shape[0], 1)) hys = [np.atleast_2d(x).T for x in hys] else: hy = np.empty((y.shape[0], K)) for (_, vs), pr in zip(kfolds, hys): hy[vs] = pr return hy
[docs] def dependent_variable(self, D: List[Union[dict, list]], y: Union[np.ndarray, None]=None) -> np.ndarray: """Obtain the response variable :param D: Dataset :type D: List of texts or dictionaries :param y: Response variable :type y: Array or None """ assert isinstance(D, list) and len(D) label_key = self.label_key if y is None: assert isinstance(D[0], dict) y = np.array([x[label_key] for x in D]) assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray) return y
@property def cache(self): """If the cache is set, it is returned when calling :py:attr:`BoW.transform`; afterward, it is unset.""" try: return self._cache except AttributeError: return None @cache.setter def cache(self, value): self._cache = value @property def label_key(self): """Key where the response is in the dictionary.""" return self._label_key @label_key.setter def label_key(self, value): self._label_key = value @property def key(self): """Key where the text(s) is(are) in the dictionary.""" return self._key @key.setter def key(self, value): self._key = value @property def decision_function_name(self): """Name of the estimator's decision function""" return self._decision_function @decision_function_name.setter def decision_function_name(self, value): self._decision_function = value @property def kfold_class(self): """Class to produce the kfolds""" return self._kfold_instance @kfold_class.setter def kfold_class(self, value): self._kfold_instance = value @property def kfold_kwargs(self): """Keyword arguments of the kfold class""" return self._kfold_kwargs @kfold_kwargs.setter def kfold_kwargs(self, value): self._kfold_kwargs = value @property def estimator_class(self): """Class of the classifier or regressor""" return self._estimator_class @estimator_class.setter def estimator_class(self, value): self._estimator_class = value @property def estimator_kwargs(self): """Keyword arguments of the estimator :py:class:`BoW.estimator_class`""" return self._estimator_kwargs @estimator_kwargs.setter def estimator_kwargs(self, value): self._estimator_kwargs = value @property def b4msa_kwargs(self): """Keyword arguments of B4MSA""" return self._b4msa_kwargs @b4msa_kwargs.setter def b4msa_kwargs(self, value): self._b4msa_kwargs = value @property def mixer_func(self): """The function is used to fix the output of the text's representations.""" return self._mixer_func @mixer_func.setter def mixer_func(self, value): self._mixer_func = value @property def n_jobs(self): """Number of jobs used in multiprocessing.""" return self._n_jobs @n_jobs.setter def n_jobs(self, value): self._n_jobs = value def __sklearn_clone__(self): klass = self.__class__ params = self.get_params() return klass(**params)
[docs] class DenseBoW(BoW): """ DenseBoW is a text classifier in fact it is a subclass of :py:class:`BoW` being the difference the process to represent the text in a vector space. This process is described in "`EvoMSA: A Multilingual Evolutionary Approach for Sentiment Analysis <>`_, Mario Graff, Sabino Miranda-Jimenez, Eric Sadit Tellez, Daniela Moctezuma. Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol 15 no. 1, pp. 76-88, Feb. 2020." Particularly, in the section where the Emoji Space is described. :param emoji: Whether to use emoji text representations. default=True. :type emoji: bool :param dataset: Whether to use labeled dataset text representations (only available in 'ar', 'en', 'es', and 'zh'). default=True :type dataset: bool :param keyword: Whether to use keyword text representations. default=True. :type keyword: bool :param skip_dataset: Set of discarded dataset. :type skip_dataset: set :param unit_vector: Normalize vectors to have length 1. default=True :type unit_vector: bool :param distance_hyperplane: Compute de distance to hyperplance in :py:func:`~EvoMSA.text_repr.DenseBoW.transform` :type distance_hyperplane: bool >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> dense = DenseBoW(lang='es') >>> >>> dense.predict(['Buenos dias']).tolist() ['P'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, emoji: bool=True, dataset: bool=True, keyword: bool=True, skip_dataset: Set[str]=set(), estimator_kwargs=dict(dual=False), unit_vector=True, distance_hyperplane=False, **kwargs) -> None: super(DenseBoW, self).__init__(estimator_kwargs=estimator_kwargs, **kwargs) self.skip_dataset = skip_dataset self._names = [] self._text_representations = [] self.unit_vector = unit_vector self.emoji = emoji self.dataset = dataset self.keyword = keyword self.distance_hyperplane = distance_hyperplane
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DenseBoW': """Estimate the parameters of the classifier or regressor (:py:attr:`DenseBoW.estimator_class` - the fitted instance is accesible at :py:attr:`DenseBoW.estimator_instance`) using the dataset (`D`, `y`). >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> dense = DenseBoW(lang='es').fit(D) """ return super(DenseBoW, self).fit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def transform(self, D: List[Union[List, dict]], y=None) -> np.ndarray: """Represent the texts in `D` in the vector space. :param D: Texts to be transformed. In the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> X = DenseBoW(lang='en').transform([dict(text='Hi'), dict(text='Good morning')]) >>> X.shape (2, 1287) """ if isinstance(self.key, str): X = super(DenseBoW, self).transform(D, y=y) models = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(m.decision_function)(X) for m in self.text_representations) models = np.array(models).T if self.distance_hyperplane: models = models / self.norm_weights if self.unit_vector: return models / np.atleast_2d(np.linalg.norm(models, axis=1)).T else: return models assert len(D) and isinstance(D[0], dict) Xs = [super(DenseBoW, self).transform([x[key] for x in D], y=y) for key in self.key] with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) as parallel: models = [] for X in Xs: _ = parallel(delayed(m.decision_function)(X) for m in self.text_representations) if self.distance_hyperplane: inner_models = np.array(_).T / self.norm_weights else: inner_models = np.array(_).T models.append(inner_models) models = self.mixer_func(models) if self.unit_vector: return models / np.atleast_2d(np.linalg.norm(models, axis=1)).T else: return models
[docs] def predict(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Predict the response variable on the dataset `D`. >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> dense = DenseBoW(lang='es').fit(D) >>> dense.predict(['Buenos dias']).tolist() ['P'] """ return super(DenseBoW, self).predict(*args, **kwargs)
@property def text_representations(self): """Classifiers that define the text representation.""" return self._text_representations @text_representations.setter def text_representations(self, value): self._text_representations = value
[docs] def select(self, subset: Union[list, None]=None, D: List[Union[dict, list, None]]=None, y: Union[np.ndarray, None]=None, feature_selection: Callable=KruskalFS, feature_selection_kwargs: dict=dict()) -> 'DenseBoW': """Procedure to perform feature selection or indices of the features to be selected. :param subset: Representations to be selected. :type subset: List of indices. :param D: Texts; in the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`BoW.key`. default=None :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. :param y: Response variable. The response variable can also be in `D` on the key :py:attr:`BoW.label_key`. default=None :type y: Array or None >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> T = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> text_repr = DenseBoW(lang='es').select(D=T) >>> text_repr.weights.shape (2672, 131072) """ assert subset is not None or D is not None if hasattr(self, '_norm_weights'): delattr(self, '_norm_weights') if subset is not None: if len(subset) == 0: return self tr = self.text_representations self.text_representations = [tr[i] for i in subset] names = self.names self.names = [names[i] for i in subset] return self y = self.dependent_variable(D, y=y) X = self.transform(D) _ = feature_selection(**feature_selection_kwargs).fit(X, y=y) self.feature_selection = _ index = self.feature_selection.get_support(indices=True) return
@property def feature_selection(self): """Feature selection used in :py:func:``""" return self._feature_selection @feature_selection.setter def feature_selection(self, value): self._feature_selection = value
[docs] def text_representations_extend(self, value: Union[List, str]): """Add dense BoW representations. :param value: List of models or name :type value: List of models or string """ if isinstance(value, str): if value in TAILORED: func = self.voc_selection d = self.voc_size_exponent if func == 'most_common_by_type' and d == 17: value = f'{value}_{self.lang.capitalize()}.json.gz' else: value = f'{self.lang}_{MICROTC}_{value}_{func}_{d}.json.gz' value = load_url(value, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) names = set(self.names) for x in value: label = x.labels[-1] if label not in names: self.text_representations.append(x) self.names.append(label) names.add(label) return self
@property def names(self): return self._names @names.setter def names(self, value): self._names = value @property def norm_weights(self): """Euclidean norm of the weights""" try: return self._norm_weights except AttributeError: self._norm_weights = np.r_[[np.linalg.norm(w._coef) for w in self.text_representations]] return self._norm_weights @property def weights(self): """Weights of the vector space. It is matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf W \in \mathbb R^{M \\times d}`, where :math:`M` is the dimension of the vector space (see :py:attr:`DenseBoW.names`) and :math:`d` is the vocabulary size. >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW >>> text_repr = DenseBoW(lang='es') >>> text_repr.weights.shape (2672, 131072) """ try: return self._weights except AttributeError: w = np.array([x._coef for x in self.text_representations]) self._weights = w return self._weights @property def bias(self): """Bias.""" try: return self._bias except AttributeError: w = np.array([x._intercept for x in self.text_representations]) self._bias = w return self._bias @property def dataset(self): """Dense Representation based on human-annotated datasets""" return self._dataset @dataset.setter def dataset(self, value): self._dataset = value if value: self.load_dataset() @property def emoji(self): """Dense Representation based on emojis""" return self._emoji @emoji.setter def emoji(self, value): self._emoji = value if value: self.load_emoji() @property def keyword(self): """Dense Representation based on keywords""" return self._keyword @keyword.setter def keyword(self, value): self._keyword = value if value: self.load_keyword() @property def unit_vector(self): """Normalize representation to have one length""" return self._unit_vector @unit_vector.setter def unit_vector(self, value): self._unit_vector = value @property def distance_hyperplane(self): """Compute the distance to the hyperplance in :py:func:`~EvoMSA.text_repr.DenseBoW.transform`""" return self._distance_hyperplane @distance_hyperplane.setter def distance_hyperplane(self, value): self._distance_hyperplane = value
[docs] def fromjson(self, filename:str) -> 'DenseBoW': """Load the text representations from a json file. :param filename: Path :type filename: str """ models = [Linear(**kwargs) for kwargs in tweet_iterator(filename)] self.text_representations_extend(models) return self
def get_params(self, deep=True): """Obtain the parameters of the class""" dense_params = self._get_param_names() bow_params = BoW._get_param_names() params = dict() for k in bow_params + dense_params: params[k] = getattr(self, k) return params @property def skip_dataset(self): """Datasets discarded from the text representations""" return self._skip_dataset @skip_dataset.setter def skip_dataset(self, value): self._skip_dataset = value def load_emoji(self) -> None: if self.v1: emojis = load_emoji(lang=self.lang, v1=self.v1, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) self.text_representations.extend(emojis) self.names.extend([x.labels[-1] for x in emojis]) else: data = load_emoji(lang=self.lang, d=self.voc_size_exponent, func=self.voc_selection, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) self.text_representations.extend(data) self.names.extend([x.labels[-1] for x in data]) def load_keyword(self) -> None: if self.v1: _ = load_keyword(lang=self.lang, v1=self.v1, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) self.text_representations.extend(_) self.names.extend([x.labels[-1] for x in _]) else: data = load_keyword(lang=self.lang, d=self.voc_size_exponent, func=self.voc_selection, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) self.text_representations.extend(data) self.names.extend([x.labels[-1] for x in data]) def load_dataset(self) -> None: if self.lang not in ['ar', 'zh', 'en', 'es']: return if self.v1: names = [name for name in dataset_information(lang=self.lang) if name not in self._skip_dataset] _ = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(load_dataset)(lang=self.lang, name=name, v1=self.v1) for name in names) [self.text_representations.extend(k) for k in _] [self.names.extend([name] if len(k) == 1 else [f'{name}({i.labels[-1]})' for i in k]) for k, name in zip(_, names)] else: data = load_dataset(lang=self.lang, name='datasets', d=self.voc_size_exponent, func=self.voc_selection) _ = [x for x in data if x.labels[-1] not in self.skip_dataset] self.text_representations.extend(_) self.names.extend([x.labels[-1] for x in _]) def __sklearn_clone__(self): klass = self.__class__ params = self.get_params() models = ['emoji', 'keyword', 'dataset'] args = {k: params[k] for k in models} params.update({k: False for k in models}) ins = klass(**params) ins.text_representations_extend(self.text_representations) for k, v in args.items(): setattr(ins, f'_{k}', v) return ins
TextRepresentations = DenseBoW
[docs] class StackGeneralization(BoW): """The idea behind stack generalization is to train an estimator on the predictions made by the base classifiers or regressors. :param decision_function_models: Represent the text by calling the decision function :type decision_function_models: List of :py:class:`BoW` or :py:class:`DenseBoW` :param transform_models: Represent the text by calling the transform :type transform_models: List of :py:class:`BoW` or :py:class:`DenseBoW` >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW, BoW, StackGeneralization >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> emoji = DenseBoW(lang='es', dataset=False, keyword=False) >>> dataset = DenseBoW(lang='es', emoji=False, keyword=False) >>> bow = BoW(lang='es') >>> stacking = StackGeneralization(decision_function_models=[bow], transform_models=[dataset, emoji]) >>> >>> stacking.predict(['Buenos dias']).tolist() ['P'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, decision_function_models: list=[], transform_models: list=[], decision_function_name: str='predict_proba', estimator_class=GaussianNB, estimator_kwargs=dict(), n_jobs: int=1, **kwargs) -> None: assert len(decision_function_models) or len(transform_models) assert n_jobs == 1 super(StackGeneralization, self).__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, decision_function_name=decision_function_name, estimator_class=estimator_class, estimator_kwargs=estimator_kwargs, **kwargs) self._decision_function_models = decision_function_models self._transform_models = transform_models self.estimated = False
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'StackGeneralization': """ >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW, BoW, StackGeneralization >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> emoji = DenseBoW(lang='es', dataset=False, keyword=False) >>> dataset = DenseBoW(lang='es', emoji=False, keyword=False) >>> bow = BoW(lang='es') >>> stacking = StackGeneralization(decision_function_models=[bow], transform_models=[dataset, emoji]).fit(D) """ super(StackGeneralization, self).fit(*args, **kwargs) self._estimated = True return self
[docs] def transform(self, D: List[Union[List, dict]], y=None) -> np.ndarray: """Represent the texts in `D` in the vector space. :param D: Texts to be transformed. In the case, it is a list of dictionaries the text is on the key :py:attr:`key` :type D: List of texts or dictionaries. >>> from EvoMSA import DenseBoW, BoW, StackGeneralization >>> from microtc.utils import tweet_iterator >>> from EvoMSA.tests.test_base import TWEETS >>> D = list(tweet_iterator(TWEETS)) >>> emoji = DenseBoW(lang='es', dataset=False, keyword=False) >>> dataset = DenseBoW(lang='es', emoji=False, keyword=False) >>> bow = BoW(lang='es') >>> df_models = [dataset, emoji, bow] >>> stacking = StackGeneralization(decision_function_models=df_models).fit(D) >>> stacking.transform(['buenos días']) array([[-1.56701076, -0.95614898, -0.39118087, 0.45360793, -1.65985598, -1.08645745, -0.67770805, 0.9703371, -1.40547817, -1.01340492, -0.57912169, 0.90450232]]) """ Xs = [text_repr.transform(D) for text_repr in self._transform_models] if not self.estimated: [, y=y) for text_repr in self._decision_function_models] Xs += [text_repr.train_predict_decision_function(D, y=y) for text_repr in self._decision_function_models] return np.concatenate(Xs, axis=1) Xs += [text_repr.decision_function(D) for text_repr in self._decision_function_models] return np.concatenate(Xs, axis=1)
@property def estimated(self): return self._estimated @estimated.setter def estimated(self, value): self._estimated = value def train_predict_decision_function(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: assert not self.estimated return super(StackGeneralization, self).train_predict_decision_function(*args, **kwargs) @property def decision_function_models(self): """These models create the vector space by calling the decision function.""" return self._decision_function_models @property def transform_models(self): """These models create the vector space by calling the transform.""" return self._transform_models def __sklearn_clone__(self): klass = self.__class__ params = self.get_params() params['decision_function_models'] = [clone(x) for x in self.decision_function_models] params['transform_models'] = [clone(x) for x in self.transform_models] return klass(**params)