.. _edos: `Explainable Detection of Online Sexism (EDOS) `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `The EDOS `_ task presented at SemEval 2023 aims at the detection of sexism. The following code can generate an instance of the system used in the competition. .. code-block:: python >>> from EvoMSA.competitions import Comp2023 >>> D = # Training set >>> comp2023 = Comp2023(lang='en') >>> ins = comp2023.stack_2_bow_keywords(D) .. list-table:: Performance in Cross-validation (A) :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration - Performance - p-value * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_keywords` - 0.7622 - 1.0000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows_tailored_keywords` - 0.7580 - 0.2220 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_keywords` - 0.7567 - 0.0960 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.7532 - 0.1100 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows` - 0.7517 - 0.0720 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_all_keywords` - 0.7503 - 0.0600 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis` - 0.7502 - 0.0280 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.7487 - 0.0300 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bows` - 0.7486 - 0.0540 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis_voc_selection` - 0.7478 - 0.0100 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow` - 0.7398 - 0.0060 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_training_set` - 0.7354 - 0.0020 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_voc_selection` - 0.7350 - 0.0000 The following code can generate an instance of the system used in the competition. .. code-block:: python >>> from EvoMSA.competitions import Comp2023 >>> D = # Training set >>> comp2023 = Comp2023(lang='en') >>> ins = comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis(D) .. list-table:: Performance in Cross-validation (B) :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration - Performance - p-value * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis` - 0.5247 - 1.0000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_keywords` - 0.5123 - 0.1580 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis_voc_selection` - 0.5088 - 0.1540 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_keywords` - 0.5064 - 0.1040 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_all_keywords` - 0.5002 - 0.1440 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.4969 - 0.1000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.4950 - 0.0960 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows` - 0.4929 - 0.0760 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows_tailored_keywords` - 0.4924 - 0.0080 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bows` - 0.4909 - 0.1000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow` - 0.4597 - 0.0340 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_training_set` - 0.4450 - 0.0140 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_voc_selection` - 0.4427 - 0.0140 The following code can generate an instance of the system used in the competition. .. code-block:: python >>> from EvoMSA.competitions import Comp2023 >>> D = # Training set >>> comp2023 = Comp2023(lang='en') >>> ins = comp2023.stack_2_bow_all_keywords(D) .. list-table:: Performance in Cross-validation (C) :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration - Performance - p-value * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_all_keywords` - 0.3236 - 1.0000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.3145 - 0.0980 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis` - 0.3123 - 0.2760 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_tailored_keywords` - 0.3069 - 0.1460 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bow_tailored_all_keywords` - 0.3035 - 0.0020 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bow_keywords_emojis_voc_selection` - 0.2943 - 0.0580 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows_tailored_keywords` - 0.2924 - 0.0240 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_2_bow_keywords` - 0.2870 - 0.0120 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_voc_selection` - 0.2700 - 0.0140 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow` - 0.2685 - 0.0140 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_3_bows` - 0.2556 - 0.0000 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.bow_training_set` - 0.2530 - 0.0080 * - :py:func:`Comp2023.stack_bows` - 0.2486 - 0.0000